Monday, December 10, 2012

Being happy

Last week was an interesting week. Filled with rumours, anger, sadness, concern, support and acceptance. I have now moved past the anger - thank goodness. I have discovered how much support out there in cyber-space, and real life, that I really do have. I have learned that I don't need to keep toxic people in my life, regardless of how long I have known them or our previous relationship history. Some of this will still be difficult to implement - but I am now committed to doing this.

Really, really committed.

I don't need, or invite, negativity into my life. I am stronger than that. I don't need that. My family doesn't need that.

And I have learned to feel sorrow for those toxic negative people. They will never know the true meaning of life and happiness. They will never realise how small and wasted their lives are. They will never feel pure joy and friendship. Oh well.

And I have moved on.

From now on, I will surround myself with positive people. People who believe in themselves. People who make me smile purely because they are awesome. People who love me for who I am, and who I have become (not for who I was, or their perception of who I am). People who accept and embrace change.

People who make me happy, just by being here.

I have discovered that I really am strong. Much stronger than I used to be. Not just physically, but mentally too. 2012 has really changed me - for the better. I appreciate so much more what I have. I have the most amazing family. I have an incredible husband, who has supported me, and carried me, more than once over the years. It's time for me to give back to him, and them. To be the best for them. I have friends who make me laugh so hard I pee myself a little - that's a good thing people :)


But more than anything - I have ME.


  1. So proud of you Trace! I could say sooo much more to you but my being proud of you really says it all. xoxo

  2. Good on you trace!
    it is so true - i have been in your position so many times!!
    just carry on and don't react then they will disappear and your life will shine!
    glad you are lovin' you ♥

  3. Also proud as, of you, of your achievements, and your determination. Take the loppers to the dead wood, it's interesting how people reveal their true natures when the balance in a relationship changes. Life's too short for nasty people. Kind of reminds me of my mantra of late, "It's not what you believe, it's how you behave". Bear hugs for you!

  4. Great revelations, life is so much better when all the things and people in your life align with the who you really are. I love the quote highlighting pointless drama. I myself recognise that sometimes I fall victim to creating unnecessary drama and have been stopping to make sure my Drama Queen is not too involved in the situation. So much better to bring Buddha Self into play, Life is what we think far more than what happens to us.
